Thursday, June 8, 2023

Income Tax Quotes

"No matter how bad

a child is, he is still

good for a tax


- American Proverb

Tax reform means, 'Don't tax you, don't

tax me. Tax that fellow

behind the tree.' -  Russell B. Long

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"The income tax is a twentieth-century

Socialist Experiment that has failed.

Before the income tax was imposed

on us just 80 years ago, government

had no claim to our income. Only sales,

excise, and tariff taxes were allowed." 

- Alan Keyes

"In this world nothing

can be said to be certain,

except Death and TAXES."  

- Benjamin Franklin -  

Founding Father of the United States of America

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"Taxes are paid in the sweat of every man who labors." -Franklin D. Roosevelt

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"The payment of taxes gives a right to protection." By James M. Wayne 
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"The hardest thing in the world to understand is the Income Tax." By Albert Einstein
"We must care for each other more, and tax each other less." By Bill Archer
"Don't Tax my Income, Tax my Consumption." Mr. Bill Gates
"In Income Tax, there is no case for amnesty." Mr. P. Chidambaram - Former Finance Minister of India
"The Income Tax created more criminals than any other single act of Government." By Barry Goldwater

"I like to pay taxes. With them, I buy civilization." By Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. Yes, the individuals or Business organizations which pays income tax to their respective Countries deserve all appreciations. Because they contribute for the growth of their country, well being of citizens by paying taxes. 

"We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle." By Winston Churchill
"When there is an Income Tax, the just will pay more and the unjust less on the same income." By Plato


"What you seek is seeking you." By Rumi Great motivation, what you wish is wishing you.

"Income Tax returns are the most imaginative fiction being written today." By Herman Wouk

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